almost 3 years ago, Valarie Cobb
Prescott jr girls 19 Glen Rose 18 Final Go Curley Cubs!!! 🐺🏀
almost 3 years ago, Valarie Cobb
almost 3 years ago, Valarie Cobb
Don’t forget! The PHS Key Club is hosting a blood drive Monday, January 10!
almost 3 years ago, Valarie Cobb
almost 3 years ago, Valarie Cobb
Prescott 57 Gurdon 41 Final Go Wolves!! 🐺🏀
almost 3 years ago, Valarie Cobb
Prescott 50 Gurdon 16 Jr high boys Final Go Curley Cubs! 🐺 🏀
almost 3 years ago, Valarie Cobb
almost 3 years ago, Valarie Cobb
BASKETBALL SCHEDULE CHANGE!! Sr girls game against Gurdon has been canceled. Games will start at 5:00 tomorrow.
almost 3 years ago, Valarie Cobb
We hope you are all having a restful break. The third nine weeks will begin when school resumes Monday, January 10. Report cards for the second nine weeks will be sent home during that week. Enjoy the rest of your time off. Be ready to work hard and finish the school year strong!
almost 3 years ago, Valarie Cobb
During the month of January, Prescott Schools join school districts throughout the state to recognize our local school board members during Arkansas School Board Recognition Month. We want to recognize the service and contributions made by Prescott’s five school board members as they work to improve the educational opportunities of every child in the district. Their actions and decisions affect both the present and future lives of our youngest citizens. These volunteer leaders are chosen by election. They are responsible for maintaining school facilities, adhering to state and federal law and approving policies. They are required to spend their volunteered time to earn a minimum of six hours of professional development each year in areas related to their roles and responsibilities in order to make the best decision for Prescott students. Our deepest appreciation is extended to Prescott School Board members Jo Beth Glass, Ryan Harvey, Michael Williams, Altha Palmer and Reed Koger whose commitment make them a dedicated public servant for Prescott School District and our community. Please join us by saying thank you to our school board members! Thank you for Impacting the Pack!
almost 3 years ago, Valarie Cobb
almost 3 years ago, Valarie Cobb
Curley Wolves (boys only) play El Dorado on Tuesday @ 2:30
about 3 years ago, Valarie Cobb
about 3 years ago, Valarie Cobb
Semester tests ✅ Christmas parties ✅ Good food ✅ Fellowship with friends ✅ Curley Wolf Christmas break begins ✅ Have a great, restful break! Enjoy your time off! We will see you January 10! Happy Hoidays!! 🎄🎅🏼
about 3 years ago, Valarie Cobb
The Prescott School District has many resources and one of its most valuable resources is its Curley Wolves alumni. Last Friday, one of Prescott’s former valedictorians, Ben Hale, Chief Deputy Prosecuting Attorney for the State of Arkansas in Hempstead and Nevada Counties, returned to Pearl Bailey’s United States history class to discuss the value of the U.S. Constitution in our daily lives and to motivate the students to be good citizens first and to gain the knowledge needed to build a foundation for life after high school. After Prescott High, Hale graduated from the University of Arkansas at Fayetteville with a BA in Economics. He went to law school at the University of Arkansas at Fayetteville and obtained his JD, passing his bar exam in February 2018. Once sworn in, he was immediately hired by Christi McQueen, the elected Prosecuting Attorney, on June 1, 2018, where he has worked ever since. Speaking from the vantage point of a lawyer, Hale stated the importance of remembering that the U.S. The Constitution is a document that has been in place for hundreds of years and, although not perfect, it can be amended, which it has been. During his visit, students were given opportunities in mock trials to play the roles of defendant, prosecutor, and juror. Ben Hale also encouraged students to compete with each other in the classroom and to join extra-curricular clubs and teams to have well-balanced school lives. He shared that being in student government, Quiz Bowl, and playing basketball and golf as a Curley Wolf taught him teamwork and the importance of others depending on you doing your part for a good team result. He left the class with assurance that he cares about his community and that helping people, not gaining monetary rewards, is his primary goal in life. Hale left Prescott High driving the same car he drove as a senior, with over 170, 000 miles on it, back to his job as Chief Deputy Prosecuting Attorney for the state of Arkansas. Ben Hale is an alumnus who is living a life of service and is gracious enough to share his experiences with our Curley Wolves in an effort to encourage them to prepare for the future while students in the Prescott School District. Pearl Bailey
about 3 years ago, Valarie Cobb
What a fun way to end the week for our third graders! They had such fun at the Nevada County Library today making Christmas puppets, decorating ornaments, winning prizes and listening to Mrs. Jane Purtle read A Christmas Story. 🎄🐺
about 3 years ago, Valarie Cobb
ACT INFORMATION! The next ACT will be given at PHS on February 12. The regular deadline to register is January 7. The deadline to register with a late fee is January 21. If you are interested in taking it and need a voucher, you may email Mrs. Robbins at jrobbins@prescottschool.net. Vouchers are only available to juniors and seniors. Each junior and senior is allowed two vouchers.
about 3 years ago, Valarie Cobb
The Prescott High Chapter of Family, Career and Community Leaders of America held its annual New Members Induction and Installation of Officers Holiday Tea on Sunday, December 12, 2021 at 4:00 p.m. The tea was held in the Family and Consumer Sciences classroom on the high school campus. Members attending along with their parents were: Jordan Argo, Nelda Chavez, Logan Cox, Tamia Gulley, Branna Haddix, Emily Huerta, Kiesha Johnson, Kyron Johnson, Michelle McBride, Khelshanti Murphy, DeJonae Nolen, Autumn Sullivan, and Cavashia Young. Ms. Kiesha Johnson, a four year member, served as the presiding officer for the ceremonies. She was assisted by Ms. Tamia Gulley. The following members were installed as the 2021-2022 officers: Autumn Sullivan-President, Eden Poindexter- Vice President/Secretary, Emily Huerta-Vice President of Public Relations, Nelda Chavez-Vice President Membership/Treasurer, Khelshanti Murphy-Vice President of Community Service and Breanna Haddix-Vice President of Parliamentary Law.
about 3 years ago, Valarie Cobb
about 3 years ago, Valarie Cobb