Mrs. Dendy 🐺📖🖍📘 #impactthepack
almost 5 years ago, Valarie Cobb
Mrs. McMahan 🐺💻⌨️❤️ #impactthepack
almost 5 years ago, Valarie Cobb
Ms. Birdsong, Mr. Christopher, Mrs. Lynch & Ms. Love 🐺📘✏️ #impactthepack
almost 5 years ago, Valarie Cobb
Mrs. Harris 🐺👩‍🎨🖌🎨❤️ #impactthepack
almost 5 years ago, Valarie Cobb
Mrs. Plunkett 🐺📖✏️❤️ #impactthepack
almost 5 years ago, Valarie Cobb
SENIORS! Jostens will be delivering your graduation products to PHS on Friday, April 10. Make sure all balances are paid. You may pick them up at the front of the high school in the car line from 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Please do not get out of your car. They will bring to your car. Thank you.
almost 5 years ago, Valarie Cobb
AP students! If you are going to take the AP test! There are different AP review sessions on the college board website. Join the YouTube live classes (yellow rectangle) Remember all AP students will get their weighted credit whether you take the test or not. Students wanting to take the test for college credit will need to do so. Test will be a 45 minute free-response exam that can be taken on any device you have access to-computer, tablet, or smartphone. You will also have the option to write your response by hand and submit a photo. We do not have a date yet for the tests but it should be sent out any day now. Please let your AP teacher know if your NOT going to take your test so It can be cancelled.
almost 5 years ago, Valarie Cobb
SCHOOL MEAL SCHEDULE We have a slight change in school meal delivery/pickup for the next two weeks. We will be following the same process we did during spring break. Meals will be distributed in a car line between the elementary and jr high building on Mondays (meals for 3 days) and Thursdays (meals for 2 days) from 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon. If you have extenuating circumstances and need delivery, please contact us and we will make arrangements. If you made arrangement during spring break we will continue with those. Valarie Cobb, 870-703-1860
almost 5 years ago, Valarie Cobb
2020 SENIORS - please read carefully Seniors who are on track to graduate and in good standing as of the 3rd nine weeks reporting period will be considered “as meeting the graduation requirements” for the state of Arkansas. Seniors who are not on track will be given the opportunity for credit recovery. Seniors who are not on track will be contacted by the school with further direction. Students enrolled in courses for weighted credit, such as AP, will still receive weighted credit regardless of the ability of a student to take an AP/IB/or other assessment. Seniors enrolled in college courses must still report to the college and meet the requirements of the college.
almost 5 years ago, Valarie Cobb
AMI PACKETS K-8 AMI packets were mailed/delivered today. 9-11 AMI packets will be available for pickup in the drive thru carline between the elementary carport and the jr high on Thursday, April 2 between the hours of 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon. Please do not get out of your car or come in the building. Please share!
almost 5 years ago, Valarie Cobb
Mrs. Grimes 🐺📚🖍❤️ #impactthepack
almost 5 years ago, Valarie Cobb
Mr. Turley 🐺💯📚😎 #impactthepack
almost 5 years ago, Valarie Cobb
Coach Poole 🐺💯📚🏈 #impactthepack
almost 5 years ago, Valarie Cobb
Mrs. Henderson 🐺📚📕📚📘📚📙❤️ #impactthepack
almost 5 years ago, Valarie Cobb
Mrs. Moseley 🐺📝📕❤️ #impactthepack
almost 5 years ago, Valarie Cobb
almost 5 years ago, Valarie Cobb
Happy Sunday from Mrs. Byers 💯➕❤️➡️🥇🐺 #impactthepack
almost 5 years ago, Valarie Cobb
Mrs. Bell 🔔 🐺📝❤️🦄 #impactthepack
almost 5 years ago, Valarie Cobb
Mrs. Banister 🐺📖📝❤️ #impactthepack
almost 5 years ago, Valarie Cobb
Mr. and Mrs. B 🐺📚 #impactthepack
almost 5 years ago, Valarie Cobb